Dying for cake? You just might…
Flowers looks wonderful on your wedding cake but did you know that many hold deadly sap and other liquids plus some are illegal to use.

Its easy to think you just stick some blooms into the cake or even on it but the toxins can leach into the icing creating a poisonous mouthful. This is particularly concerning with guests from children to the elderly consuming the cake.

A trained florist can wire and parafilm (tape) each bloom for you so that you are able to use the Frangipani and other flowers effectively on food products. This is fiddly, and will cost you a little, but it is certainly worth the investment I think.
Did you now that according to the Department of Primary Industries Pampas Grass, a weed, is illegal to be sold or used in NSW and thus any person using it is doing so illegally.
Source: https://www.weeds.dpi.nsw.gov.au/Weeds/PampasGrass#biosecurity
Avoid anyone offering to use, sell or supply it.

Always consult a Florist, a trained and certified professional to advise you on the flowers that are safe and how to use them. Even just having certain flowers sitting on the cake can cause serious health issues.

With many flocking to the flower markets to DIY their flowers, the risk exists that you could be potentially making your guests very sick or worse. Are you positive that the flowers are safe? Do you know the safe handling procedures?

The attitude of ‘yeah yeah’ it will be right or no-one has died yet is irresponsible and dangerous. Next time you see a cake with flowers stuck in it or on it, ask yourself has this been done safely, by a trained professional and if the answer is no, don’t eat it.
You care about your wedding so make sure you cover all your bases.