Latest News.

Sparks Sparks Sparks These amazing indoor fireworks and dry ice effect were a highlight at Loren and Brad’s wedding. I had such a fabulous time as their Marriage Celebrant, Wedding DJ & Wedding MC. They are an amazing couple full of life and now very happy in marriage.

Happy Feet.

  Colourful feet are happy feet. Have fun with those tootsies and wear something fun on your wedding day. Wash your wedding day socks in really good quality fabric softener so they have a great feel on your wedding day. Maybe co-ordinate your bridal party with the same or go nuts and have all different. […]

Central Coast Wedding Venues.

Being a Marriage Celebrant DJ and MC based on but not limited to the Central Coast. The Central Coast has a vast array of wedding venues for your marriage from DIY halls , registered clubs, restaurants to dedicated wedding and event properties. There has been a significant rise in ‘Farmstay’ type venues which offer excellent […]

Wedding Congrats

Loren & Brad’s long awaited wedding is finally here. I am excited to be their Marriage Celebrant Wedding DJ & Wedding MC at Lovedale Chapel in the Hunter Valley. My Marriage Celebrant experiences are always wonderful in the Hunter Valley with it being such a popular wedding location.


My famous ‘Gratitude Glasses’ were chosen by Mitch & Monica to be presented to them at their wedding ceremony. I, as their Marriage Celebrant, advise the couple to wear them once a month and tell each other what they are grateful for. This part of the wedding ceremony is usually met with raucous laughter and […]

Star Wars Wedding suit. I am excited to be wearing this for Mel & Simon’s Star Wars wedding.

Wedding Vows – What do I do???

Don’t be freaked out by writing your Vows because I hear this a lot, “Where the hell do I start Jeff!?! I’m freaking out!” That might be because you’ve heard terrible Vows at other weddings and this is probably because their celebrant gave them an outdated resource for their inspiration. I supply all of my […]

Put my ring where? On your wedding day simply put your engagement ring on your right hand.

Flowers everywhere! I had the best time with these ladies and wore a jacket to match. What a wedding

Happy Feet.


Happy Feet.


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