7 Things Not To Do If You Just Got Engaged.
Are you recently engaged?
So he/she/they have popped the question and you are over the moon, all loved up and cannot wait to share the news that you are engaged with the world but before you do – have a look at our list of things you may want to consider NOT doing at the start of your engagement.
Don’t buy your wedding dress straight away – There is no rush we promise and it is always a good idea to choose the venue first as you may want a dress that suits the environment.
Don’t start a diet – You do not need to lose weight, have botox, or whiten your teeth unless you want to. But we reckon you don’t need to – you have just been proposed to because they love you as you are right now, this very moment.
Don’t be in too much of a hurry – Unless you set a date in three months’ time then there is no rush. Take your time, chill out and enjoy the planning – it is supposed to be fun after all.
Don’t do everything yourself – There are two people in this marriage so spend time together, choosing what type of day you want.
Don’t buy all the stuff – You will amass so much stuff for your wedding, be it second-hand, or new, or even free but take it slowly giving yourself time to establish what you need. If you want a mindful, ethical wedding then slow down on what you collect.
Don’t get too stressed – This is supposed to be fun right? Take time for yourself, do some yoga, get some pampering and also spend time with your loved one as the wedding is only one part of your life.